In order for trips to run smoothly please follow the following simple steps:

  • Contact the organiser if you wish to join a trip, providing contact details in case of a change of plan.
  • Any member wishing to use club boats/equipment for a trip must contact the Quartermaster.
  • Where possible commit to trips early, where circumstances mean you have to change your plans please let the organiser know immediately - there may be a waiting list of other members who wish to attend.


Members, their family and guests who attend RCC events, tours, meets or social events do so at their own risk. Neither the Club nor its officers can accept any liability for loss or injury of any kind sustained whilst on any form of Club activity nor whilst travelling to an event or during shuttle transfers.


It is possible to subscribe to this list as a calendar via an application such as Google Calendar using this URL.

Fri 18 Oct - Sun 20 Oct 2024
Dartmoor Weekend - Pengelly 2024
Fri 15 Nov - Sun 17 Nov 2024
Usk Weekend - Star Bunkhouse 2024
Fri 07 Mar - Sun 09 Mar 2025
Exmoor Weekend - North Combe Camping Barn 2023